Islam Mohamed

Graph-Based Reasoning over Heterogeneous External Knowledge for Commonsense Question Answering

Task introduction

Task overview

Using CSQA (Common Sense Questions and Answers) dataset. For questions that do not mention background knowledge, it is required to consider background knowledge and answer.

Task form

Input: Question Q=q_1 q_2…q_m and candidate answer set A={a_1,a_2,…,a_n} containing n answers.
Goal: select the correct answer from the candidate set.
Evaluation : accuracy.

The problem we are facing

  1. How to obtain evidence information in the background knowledge related to the problem (extract triples and construct a graph for the knowledge source).

  2. How to make predictions based on the obtained evidence information (the graph represents learning + graph reasoning to solve)


Fig. 1 : knowledge extraction and graph-based reasoning

Extract evidence from external knowledge base


  1. Manual labeling-time-consuming, labor-intensive and costly.

  2. Only extract evidence from (structured/unstructured) knowledge sources-without using knowledge from different sources at the same time, the obtained evidence may not be comprehensive.

  3. Fusion of knowledge in structured and unstructured knowledge bases, such as the fusion of structured ConceptNet library and plain text Wikipedia library, and extract evidence from it

Specific implementation

Extract from ConceptNet

  1. Identify entities that appear in different problems and options in ConceptNet.

  2. Extract the path from the entity in the question to the entity in the candidate from ConceptNet (less than 3 hops)

Extract from Wikipedia

  1. Use Spacy to extract 107M sentences from them, and use Elastic Search tools to build a sentence index.

  2. For each training example, remove the stop words in the question sentence and the candidate, and then concatenate all the words as a search query.

  3. Use the Elastic search engine to sort between the search query and all sentences, and select top-K sentences as the evidence information provided by Wikipedia (in the experiment, K=10).

Build a graph for each source of knowledge


  1. For the ConceptNet library, use its own triples

  2. For the Wikipedia library, extract the triples in the sentence through the semantic role labeling (SRL).

Specific implementation

Build a ConceptNet graph

  1. Split the path extracted from ConceptNet into triples, treat each triple as a node and merge it into the graph. for triples containing the same entity, add the corresponding nodes in the graph Previous side

  2. In order to obtain the context word representation of the node in ConceptNet, the triplet is converted into a natural language sentence according to the relational template.

Build a Wikipedia diagram

  1. Use SRL to extract the arguments of each predicate in the sentence, with the predicate and the argument as nodes, and the relationship between them as edges

  2. Similarly, in order to enhance the connectivity of the constructed graph, the edges between nodes a and b are added based on two given rules:

    1. b contains a and the number of words in a is greater than 3. 
    2. a and b have only one different word, and both a and b contain more than 3 words.  

Coding map information, gathering evidence information

Fig. 2 : overview of our proposed graph-based reasoning model

Specific implementation

1.1 Use the Topology Sort algorithm to rearrange the order of the evidence sentences according to the graph structure obtained from the knowledge extraction part.
1.2 Use the structure of the obtained graph to redefine the relative position between the evidence words to make the relative positions of semantically related words closer.
1.3 Use the relational structure within the evidence to obtain a better contextual representation.

2.1 Arranged the evidence sentences, questions, and all options extracted from the ConceptNet library and Wikipedia library.
2.2 The concatenation of the above 4 parts is encoded as the input of XLNet after using [sep] for separation

Make the final prediction

Specific implementation

  1. Regarding the two evidence graphs as an undirected graph, use the word-level vector representation of question and answer + evidence provided by GCN on the knowledge graph and XLNet coding to encode to obtain the node-level representation.

  2. Evidence spread:
    1. Gather information from neighbor nodes.
    2. Combine and update node representation.

  3. Use the graph attention network to process the node representation obtained by GCN and the input representation of XLNet, gather the graph-level representation, and then perform the final prediction score.

Explanation of key modules and methods



ConceptNet: Common sense knowledge base, which is composed of relational knowledge in the form of triples.


ElasticSearch: A Lucene-based search server. It provides a full-text search engine with distributed multi-user capabilities and is currently a popular enterprise-level search engine.

Topology Sort

Fig.3 : topology sort algorithm

Process ConceptNet

Convert triples into natural sentences, for example, (mammals, HasA, hair) -> mammals has hair

Processing Wikipedia


The reasons for using XLNet instead of BERT are summarized as follows:

Based on these shortcomings of BERT, scholars proposed XLNet, and also borrowed from the language model, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of BERT. The specific approach is as follows:


Fig.4 : GCN

Graph Attention Networks (GAT)

Similarities and differences between GCN and GAT

Why integrate heterogeneous knowledge sources?

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